Distinguished Contributors
The Open Society and its Enemies - The Story of Auschwitz by Gilad Atzmon
Auschwitz is there to maintain the myth of open society; it is there to present an illusion of liberated Western identity. As long as Auschwitz is there, in the core of our discourse, we are everything but liberated. There is life after Auschwitz and this life belongs to us. We had better do something with it. If there is something we should never do, then that is taking other people’s lives in the name of Auschwitz. MORE
Silvia Cattori Palestine. L’ampleur de la tragedie exige un soutien sans faille
Pourquoi Israel Shamir est-il calomnie avec une telle perseverance ? Et, par assimilation, tous ceux qui le lisent ou l’evoquent ? Parce que cet ecrivain israelien de talent - connaisseur aussi bien du Talmud et de la Bible que des turpitudes de l’armee israelienne - a ose briser des tabous et enfoncer des portes que des non juifs ne se seraient jamais hasardes a toucher. Vous l’avez compris ! Israel Shamir a une vision qui va a l’oppose de ces personnes qui dans la mouvance de la solidarite - en Israel et en France notamment - s’arrogent le monopole et le controle de ce qui doit et peut etre dit. PLUS
A strong and clear new voice, Joh Domingo, an
African friend of Palestine with a long experience of anti-Apartheid
struggle in South Africa, says: "The important thing to remember
about White Nationalists (a.k.a. Supremacists) is that they are
isolationist, not international Cabalists that want to rule the
world. The White Supremacists are an improvement on the average
American Joe who goes along with the slaughter in Iraq and
Palestine. Let's first stop the theft, and dispossession, and
slaughter of Palestinians, then we can "re-educate" White
Lasse Wilhelmson
from Sweden had spent a few years in Israeli kibbutz before
becoming disenchanted with Zionism. He doesn’t set off good
Socialist Zionism (of Ben Gurion, Rabin, Barak) vs. bad
Revisionist Zionism of Jabotinsky, Begin and Sharon. Lasse
asserts that Socialist Zionism is but Jewish National
Socialism, and finds a common root of Jewish and German
National Socialism in teachings of ‘the Red Rabbi’ Moses
Hess, who allegedly influenced Marx, Herzl and Hitler.
l'Omnivore Sobriquet
to Mr. Robert Bowman,
From Spain to
History never repeats itself, but, nonetheless, some
identities show up, are being revealed, on a regular if
unique pattern in time.
Our honorable
guest is Prof Williams, a wonderful and unusual man, who
believes - in the tradition of the Eastern Church - in a
great communality of Islam and Christianity. A
weather-bitten pilgrim on the roads of the East, fluent in
Arabic, this professor from Virginia belongs to the great
spiritual brotherhood of good men. He considers that good
Christians are Muslims, and vice versa. He touches the
common ground; not the common ground of Mammon, not the
common ground of platitude, but the common ground of
tradition in Guenon's deep meaning. His short piece
Misunderstanding Islam argues succinctly against the
Zionist- inspired 'Clash of Civilizations' theory.

The silencing of dissent
By Paul
Eisen, a director of Deir Yassin Remembered, is one of the
staunchest friends of Palestine in England. The article
below provides you with a wonderful definition of
"If you do not agree with the right of Jews to go to
Palestine, settle there en masse against the wishes of the
indigenous population, expel this population from 75% of
their land and then, for the next fifty years and more,
continue this assault on the remaining land and population,
then you are an anti-Semite."
Jewish Power
By Paul
The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons displaying Jewish religious symbols, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do.
What is Antisemitism?
By Michael Neumann
Every once in a while, some left-wing Jewish writer will take a deep breath, open up his (or her) great big heart, and tell us that criticism of Israel or Zionism is not antisemitism. Silently they congratulate themselves on their courage. With a little sigh, they suppress any twinge of concern that maybe the goyim--let alone the Arabs--can't be trusted with this dangerous knowledge.

Photo by
James R. Depp |
In Jerusalem
Edward Said and the struggle for Palestine
By Siam |
In a rare guest appearance, now on this site a new
poem by
arguably the best living American poet, commemorating Edward Said
and the struggle for Palestine. SIAM combines deep Sufi mysticism of Rumi, and all-American cosmic spirit of Walt Whitman. His poetry is
a natural phenomenon as much as a work of art, and reminds of a
vulcano in full blast of its furnaces, with lava erupting and rocks
flying out: spectacular but scary. |
In presence of his poetry, one
feels that the gift of prophecy is still with us, for his is the
language of prophets. Descendent of Native Americans, Africans,
Arabs and Europeans, all-human son of Milton "Cowboy" Smith from
Indianapolis, a graduate of Harvard Divinity School, SIAM lived with
the monks of St Maur until he discovered the mystic teaching of a
Senegalese saint Shaikh Ahmadou Bamba who founded the Mourid
Mystical Order of Islam in the early 1800's. His poetry is a sign of
life sent by the soul of America to the world, saying: America is
still alive.
A Poem For Adam Shamir, Son of Israel By Siam
Fiesta Responses
Noam Chomsky's thesis "The US support of Israel is
in the best imperial interests of the US elites"
was savaged in Shamir's article Fiesta of San
Fermin (included in the Galilee Flowers). Here you
can read various responses and discussion on the
'Dog and Tail' subject.
Witch Hunt
The following is a volume of the polemics on Shamir, anti-Semitism, and policies of the Jewish supporters of Palestine.
Zionist Provocation under False Flag By George Pumphrey
Soldiers In My House by Wafa Abu Shmais
La nuit du 4 aôut, en attendant celle du 15 août by Maria Poumier
Jews or Zionists? Three approaches by Elias Davidsson
Responses to Olives of Aboud
Activists and Media by Johannes Wahlstrom, Stockholm University
Contested Truths by Johannes Wahlstrom
No Holds Barred Discussion On Jews and One State
Mel Gibson and the Judeo-Christian myth By Gilad Atzmon
The Israel Lobby and the Left: Uneasy Questions By Jeffrey Blankfort
Discussion Neumann-Blankfort