From Elias Davidsson and
John Wheat Gibson

From Elias Davidsson:

John Wheat Gibson, in his reply to me, asserts that "40 percent of the 400 richest Americans identified by Forbes Magazine consider themselves Jewish."

There are two assertions here: One regarding the percentage and the other regarding the view of the concerned persons of themselves as Jews. What is the source for these claims and how was the evidence obtained?

John also asserts:"almost half the [US] billionaires are Jewish, and those who are not lack the single minded Zionist fanaticism of AIPAC and the MEGA group of Jewish tycoons."

(a) From where is the fact that "almost half" US billionaires are Jewish" gleaned? And how is the "Jewishness" of the billionaires ascertained? (b) The statement insinuates that these Jewish billionaires (who are supposed to be half the US billionaires) possess the "single minded Zionist fanaticism of AIPAC". If so, how many of these "Jewish billionaires" possess this fanaticism and how many do not care much or in any way about AIPAC? (c) Does the fact that Jews are billionaires make them perforce allies of AIPAC? (d) How many US billionaires (as a proportion of all billionaires) are part of the "MEGA group of Jewish tycoons"? What is the purpose of the MEGA group?

I hope John would be helpful in providing the evidence for his assertions.

Elias Davidsson


Reply of J W Gibson:

I am flattered that Mr. Davidsson read my response. Obviously, the source for my assertion about Forbes Magazine is Forbes Magazine. For information regarding the MEGA group, I would direct Mr. Davidsson to the Wall Street Journal. I hope Mr. Davidsson read beyond the first two paragraphs of my message. If he did, then perhaps he merely has forgotten that I was at some pains to point out that being Jewish does not perforce make one Zionist, any more than being German in the 1930s perforce made one Nazi. The converse, however, is not exactly true. It is safe to bet that practically anybody attracted to a master race superstition will be a member of that particular master race: if one is Zionist, then one probably is Jewish or affiliated with one of the fascist Christian cults, who regard themselves as the chosen people of the Bible; if one is a member of the Ku Klux Klan, chances are near certain that he is a white Protestant; if one is a Nazi, chances are he believes himself an Aryan superman. But, since Mr. Davidsson missed it the first time, I now repeat: many Germans heroically died resisting the Nazis; many Jews oppose Zionism, some heroically; and many--probably most--white Protestants detest the Ku Klux Klan. All superstitions prosper on persecution, and because of Holocaust mythology, Judaism currently enjoys the kind of mass paranoid coherence that the early Christians enjoyed when they were being fed to the lions and that the Nazis enjoyed when Germany was subjected to the humiliations of the Versailles treaty. How long the Zionists, who totally control the media and weapons of the greatest and fourth greatest military powers in the world can sustain the pretense of victimhood is anybody's guess, but it should be clear that Zionism, like New Testament Christianity and Nazism contains in its success the seeds of its own destruction. Conversely, Islam, the religion of the oppressed is growing. People prefer to have happy, well fed children and peaceful lives; but, if in the world they cannot have those things, they turn for solace away from the world to what they can have--religion.

John Wheat Gibson

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