Double Loyalty of Jewish Marxists
The New Bund at Old Tricks
“Dear comrades, if we shall keep mum today, tomorrow the Jewish Marxists will ride on our backs… Vladimir Lenin”.

Read in Danish: Det Nye Bund med Gamle Tricks
Read in Italian: Nuovo Bund, ma sempre vecchi trucchi
The Protocols of the Elders of London by Gilad Atzmon
In a very small segregated cyber shtetl
somewhere in the north-west side of yahoo (
), a tiny cell of so-called ‘liberal’ Jews meets in the wee
small hours. Night after night they are trying to save the
Palestinian people from those who devote their lives to the
Palestinian cause. There is one man who they really detest; his
name is Israel Shamir. An ex-Jew, Shamir is a very civil and peaceful man and
probably is the sharpest critical voice of ‘Jewish power’ and
Zionist ideology.
A debate between Tony Greenstein, an anti-Zionist ethnic Jewish activist and
Gilad Atzmon, an ordinary Jazz musician
Sex and Politics by Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon versus the London Trots: background by Israel Shamir
Angie the Canadian Lass beats the Elders of
London hands down
Our Happy Bygone Days
"We lived in communist paradise and weren't aware of it." I have heard this sentence from many ex-citizens of the ex-USSR, from Russians and Tajiks, from Ukrainians and Balts, and I agreed with them wholeheartedly: Soviet Russia was a land of spiritual and educated men who loved their work, were proud of their country, despised money, were hospitable and kind. Stephen Gowans (Hail the Reds, has eloquently eulogised the lost paradise:
Notre bon vieux temps
The Saga of Woods
Do not take my polemics with Alan Woods for a learned discussion of the Russian Revolution; the argument is not about Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin (let their souls rest in peace in the bosom of Marx in the Communist paradise) but about extremely relevant issues of our day, though presented in historical perspective.
The Marxists
and the
By Israel Shamir
When an author and an editor of a left-wing magazine repeats
word-perfect the last speech of Ashcroft at ADL New York, it can’t
but cause some eyebrow twitching. That is the case with recent
condemnation of ‘antisemitism’ by
Nat Weinstein
on pages of The Socialist Viewpoint, a high-quality magazine
consistently supporting democracy in Palestine and end to the Jewish
apartheid state.
Read in French (Les
marxistes et le Lobby)
The Marxists
and the
Lobby II
When the red-jacketed British gentlemen ride after fox upon
green hills of Surrey, they call ‘yoicks’ to encourage their
dogs; the Jews cry ‘antisemitism’ to encourage theirs.
‘Yoicks’ terrifies the fox; ‘antisemitism’ is the means to
terrify opposition to the New World Order. It is their
equivalent of a Papal bull proclaiming the crusade against
Son of Dogs & Foxes
Israel Shamir responds to Lisandro Otero
Ilan Halevi
is one of the best Israelis; a man who made the right
choice. His essay (Once again concerning Zionism and
anti-Semitism) is also good and rather correct. But there
are few points that could be and should be debated in a
comradely way.
The most important error of Halevi is that he subscribes to
well-debunked Chomsky's Thesis that "it is not the tail that
wags the dog".
Not Cricket
The Israeli soul is the scene of struggle between two forces, between two loyalties: that to the land and that to the world-wide Jewish People. The loyalty to the land can eventually form a basis for complete unity with the native Palestinian people. The loyalty to world Jewry (Am Israel) is the basis of our xenophobia, of the Wall, of the apartheid state. The Palestinians are denied equal rights in order to sustain the ‘Jewish character’ of the state. The ugliest crimes of Zionism are perpetrated in the name of the Jewish People; ‘Jewishness’ is the engine of ethnic cleansing in our country. Thus our struggle against ‘the Jewish character of the State’ is an important spiritual element in the struggle for democracy in Palestine.
C’est pas de jeu
Shamir - Chomsky polemics: 1, 2, or no state
Sobre “El Socialismo en un solo pais y la Revolucion Cubana - Aportacion desde Cuba” de Celia Hart