By Israel Shamir
Travel opens up the vistas of your mind. It is wonderful
to roam our beautiful Earth, from France to Norway, from
China to Russia, from Africa to Latin America, enjoying
its variety and hospitality, and the profession of
reporter gives you a chance to see the world. But
eventually one pays attention to an interesting
coincidence. It could happen to you in Marseille, as you
walk by the inner harbour, or in Brittany, in the
fishermen’ city of Oriente, in Guatemala or Nicaragua,
in Milan, this capital of Italian fashion, in Naples or
in Shanghai, in Russian White Sea port of Archangel or
in the middle of China, in Berlin and Hamburg, in the
passes of Hindukush, in Tokyo and Baghdad, Manila or
Havana. Suddenly you notice that all these exotic and
diverse places have one thing in common, - they were
bombed by Brits and Yankees. These guys sure get around.
Today we bomb Afghanistan, tomorrow – the rest, or
whatever they sing in the Air Force.
The reasons vary. They had bombed China for the stubborn
Chinese did not want to buy their opium, Columbia, for
they were selling drugs, Russians and Vietnamese, for
being Commies, Cambodians, for being there, Germans and
French, for offending Jews, Iraqis, for hard cash and
Sudanese by mistake.
Now, we’ve got a sneak preview of their next campaign,
courtesy of the Washington Post . The men in charge of
the US, and I mean real mensch, not this nincompoop in
the White House, conspire to erase Iraq, to continue
with Saudi Arabia and finish off with Egypt. The news
was broken gently by a strategist with a wholesome
all-American name Murawiec, smuggled into Pentagon by
one of the mensch in charge, Defence Policy Board
Chairman Richard N. Perle. This Jewish hawk, a friend of
Sharon, a devoted Zionist, should be considered the real
author of the blueprint calling for seizure of the
Arabian oil fields, transfer of Mecca and Medina unto
Jordanian rule and confiscation of Saudi assets.
The Saudis have feigned amazement, while the US
columnists tried to play down the story and have a good
laugh. It surely has its comic value. Glib assessments,
“Wars have been the principal output of the Arab world”
sound particularly rich when coming from a proponent of
Judeo-American cult, probably the most violent and
war-prone since Genghis Khan. Muraviec’s rhetoric
question, ‘What has the Arab world produced?’ reminded
me of a thieving banker, Flatto-Sharon, who had escaped
French police to Israel, bribed voters, got elected into
the Parliament and there he had the temerity to ask
Yitzhak Rabin in his beginners’ Hebrew, “what did you do
for the state of Israel?’ (“ma ata asita bishvil
hamedina”). It remained as one of the best Israeli
But I was neither amazed nor amused. The desire to
plunder and kill Arabs is frequently vented in the
Jewish circles, but recently it run into snags. The
Palestinian property had been looted years ago, their
lands and houses taken over and resold. While killing
Palestinians may be pleasing to the god of vengeance, it
is not a very profitable exercise. Squeeze of the
remainder goes too slow for the impatient and accustomed
to NASDAQ growth folks.
Iraq seems to be an appealing target for mass murder,
and in the prestigious Jewish World Review , a Jewish
American columnist Jonah Goldberg calls: “Baghdad must
be destroyed… America should go to war with Iraq even if
that risks innocent Iraqi – and American – lives”.
Although life or death of a Goy is surely no objection,
there is no money in bombing Iraq, either.
The riches of the Arabian Peninsula hoodwink the Jews,
being tantalisingly within the reach of IDF Merkaba
tanks. This temptation was well expressed by Jewish
American Professor David D. Perlmutter in LA Times : “I
daydream - if only! If in 1948, 1956, 1967 or 1973
Israel had acted just a bit like the Third Reich, then
today Jews, not sheiks, would have that Gulf oil’. One
would think that Saudi crude goes to the US, why should
an American professor mind it? But your average American
Jew values his Jewish-ness well above his American-ness.
Witty Joe Sobran noted, “It was once considered
"anti-Semitic" to impute "dual loyalty" to [American]
Jews. This is now passé. Dual loyalty nothing! Dual
loyalty would be an improvement!” in comparison with
their single-minded devotion to their own national
In order to turn the Perlmutter’s daydream into reality,
usually quite diverse Jewish voices of extreme right and
shades of Left united. While Richard Perle is as
right-wing as they make it, Justin Raimondo noticed
“ex-leftist David Horowitz, who demands all-out war on
the Arab world, and Stephen Schwartz, ex-Trotskyite, who
became a major theoretician of the Riyadh-as-"kernel of
evil" school”. Even anti-Zionist Trotskyite Lenni
Brenner, whose brilliant pen and cheerful style I
admire, decided to join the US warriors, and called to
launch feminist crusade against Saudi Arabia.
The Jewish-owned media amplified these opinions. A
Jewish journalist, Miss Slavin, reported in USA TODAY ,
published by the top Jewish leader, Mort Zuckerman, that
a Jewish analyst Max Singer, (a founder of the
conservative Hudson Institute, who never had been to
Saudi Arabia but frequents Israel), suggested to
Pentagon officials to dismantle the Kingdom. Value of Mr
Singer’s opinion is next to nil, but it has received
good media coverage more important opinions have been
denied. There was no article by an Arab-American calling
to dismantle Israel, just for the balance. It appears
the organised Jews firmly planted Saudis in the
cross-hairs of their formidable weapon, the mass media.
It leaves us with a difficult query, why do some
American forces, and the American Jews among them, want
to destroy Saudi Arabia, the faithful ally of the US and
a very moderate power in regional context? And another
one, what could be done about it?
Optimists argue that it is just a threat, a
psychological warfare, a pressure applied to the
kingdom. The reasons for such pressure could be
explained by need of American oil companies to threaten
Saudis into obedience and extend their contracts.
Alternatively, the US military needs to use Saudi air
bases for attack on Iraq, and the Arabs are not
sufficiently obsequious.
But I am not sure it is an empty threat. We live in the
shadow of ongoing meltdown of the dollar and the
American-based financial pyramid . It began in August
2001, caused 9/11 as the means to slow the meltdown, and
goes on, gathering speed as an avalanche snowball.
Saudis have too much dollar reserves. Elimination
(“freezing”) of their dollar assets would slow the
meltdown, as vast trillions of dollars will vanish from
the marketplace. While injection of money causes
inflation, its evaporation will cause deflationary,
upward pressure on the dollar. In other words, for the
Wall Street, it makes sense to frieze Saudi assets, as
they froze the assets of Iran and Iraq.
Saudi rulers probably have time to counteract it, if
they use the advice of Woody Allen, “take the money and
run”. They should shift their holdings out of the
collapsing dollar zone, into Euro, Yen or gold. The
great idea of golden “Islamic dinar” promoted by the
wise Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr Mahathir should be
activated immediately. The Saudis could learn much from
Dr Mahathir who succeeded to turn his strife-torn poor
country living off oil and natural rubber into the
prosperous land of national accord and stable economy.
The Malaysians squared the circle: their immigrant
communities are fully integrated, have equal rights, and
still do not endanger the indigenous Malay group. They
develop high tech industries, support charities, provide
welfare state; there is no discrimination, no poor or
needy people in Malaysia. They do not depend on the US,
do not provide their land for the US bases, do not
invest in the US, and still remain on friendly terms
with Washington. Following the Malaysian way, the
Kingdom will reduce its vulnerability.
Alas, it would not diminish the Jewish appetite for Arab
oil, nor the organised Jewish hostility to ar- Riyadh.
Saudi rulers are uncomfortably conscious of the threat,
but they misinterpreted its context. They accepted as a
real coin, the faked three-dollar bill of “peace-seeking
Israel”. That is why Prince Abdullah tried to entice
Israel with his peace plan. That is why the Kingdom’s
support of the Palestinian cause is rather symbolic.
Saudi rulers have been told by their American advisers
that Israel would not push for Saudi destruction if
Saudis will behave, that is stay away from the
Palestinian problem.
Now, the Saudis have to pay heed to unpleasant reality.
Israel is not just a small Middle Eastern country
anymore, but a forward element of the new aggressive
international force, Jewish supremacists. They have too
many good reasons to undo Saudi Arabia.
- This prosperous and well-armed country must be brought
down to its knees before Israel will make its most
important step, seizure and destruction of the beautiful
Umayyad Mosques in Jerusalem.
- Saudis have too much money, too much oil and too few
friends. This combination brought Kuwait down, but the
US bombed Iraq to restore the Emir of Kuwait. Washington
is not going to repeat this feat when the Saudi oil
fields will pass into Israeli hands.
- The Viagra of Saudi money would invigorate flabby Dow
There is an additional reason. The Jewish conscience had
been poisoned by sweet dreams of revenge for the defeats
of times long gone. Mainstream Jewish scholars of 19th
and 20th century betrayed their audience, and, instead
of describing real Jewish history, created an idealised
and distorted picture of wonderful past, old grievances,
undeserved wrong-doing and revenge dreams. Their readers
swallowed the fabricated stories and grew up as
unrestrained nationalists. Modern Jews are victims of
nationalist propaganda, misled and disoriented, induced
with desire to rectify the mythic wrong.
The Jewish state was established to undo the perceived
results of the Roman victory of AD 70, and now a new
idea floats in the air, to undo the perceived results of
Prophet Muhammad’s victory over the Jewish tribes and to
bring the peninsula under Jewish rule. Together with the
desire to undo the victory of Christianity, this archaic
spirit will inevitably cause more turmoil in the world.
This spirit reminded me of Sweeney Todd, the Demon
Barber in a late 1970s horror musical comedy. Sweeney
Todd ‘has served the dark and vengeful god, and trod the
path a few did trod’, namely turned his customers into
savoury pies’ stuffing in order to exact revenge on the
Judge who wronged him.
The Saudis should act before it is too late. They should
- re-think their relationship with the Palestinians, and
treat them as their outward defence rather than as poor
relatives. Without Palestinians, Saudi Arabia would be
taken over tomorrow.
- there should be more effort and money spent on public
discourse in the US and Europe, as Edward Said
constantly reminded the Arabs.
- We should confront the archaic tendency among Jews and
promote a different spirit, a spirit of understanding
and brotherhood. Though it is not taught in Jewish
schools, Prophet Muhammad won his battles not only by
sword, but by attracting like-minded Jews to the banner
of Islam, as well. Early converts, the Jews for Allah
and His Messenger, fought under the green banner of
Islam on every battlefield from Yarmuk to Cairo.
There are many good Jews, in Israel and in the US alike,
and there is no reason for confrontation between the
descendents of Abraham, but the restless spirit of
Sweeney Todd should be exorcised.