The real Holocaust is that of Blacks
Maria Poumier
This is the moment to be
angry and let it know. Nazi-jewish H was just a civil war
between European brothers. And a Christian has the sword to cut
off the Gordian knot, on both levels: historical and ethical.
1. There is one real H:
the one against millions of Africans, considered non-human by
all the whites together, during many and many centuries: it is
the real unique H, treating people as cattle. It seems that
despise began in the times of Greece : Greece owed her
philosophy, religion and maths to Egypt, but the occultation of
this debt started then, the white countries began to ignore “Nubia’,
as a mythical country, too far from their reality.
When the European
industry of black slavery began, it was allowed and encouraged
by pope Nicolas V, in 1542, as a privilege for the Portuguese
(the country that was already a refuge for Spanish Jews, who
were already the principal slaves traders for the Arab world).
And when this kind of enslavement became a huge trade of human
beings, not one great loud voice protested, in the Christian
Las Casas succeeded to
convince the Spanish monarchy to treat American Indians as
brothers, with the same soul as Europeans; at the end of his
life, Las Casas recognized he was wrong when he suggested to
replace Indians by Africans, for the terrible works in mining,
construction, and starting plantations. But no Las Casas raised
nor fought nor succeeded to convince the pope that “Black
Indians” too are absolutely human. So the real massive H went
on. Abolition succeeded only when the slaves made too many
revolts, or escaped massively to become maroons. The white
movement for abolition was very little; the more radical in
support of Blacks were women, as they were in the same struggle,
asking for freedom and full human rights for themselves.
Nowadays, as you know, the Black claims are not listened with
sympathy by Whites, we are mostly indifferent, feeling something
like : “it is Their problem, not ours”. Only when there is a
threat of physical revolt, we pay attention to what they ask
for. Black H still takes place, in every bloody conflict that
takes place in Africa; the neo-colonial powers fight for the
control of minerals, oil, and land, by proxy, encouraging
“tribal” or “ethnic” cleansing bloodshed. At present, Bush is
preparing the take over of Nigeria, for oil. So we will have
another big H, another unique one: the African genocides take
place only because we feel Blacks are not exactly our brothers,
but somehow less than human. The quality of full humanity was
never denied to Jews, they succeeded in obliging other people to
respect them. The question of compensations is a test : Jews
receive compensations just as any white person who loses his
properties in a war, or more, when they have the power to get
more. See :
, but Whites automatically reject the idea of compensations in
the case of the biggest H, the Black one, though there are many
means to compute our debt, with the trade and tax books of all
the corporations whose capital comes directly from slaves trade.
2. There is one H denier
absolutely right: Jesus, the single one, whose personal
sacrifice makes any genocide be nothing; he gave its meaning to
any human genocide accepting His own unjust punishment, being
innocent, in the name of the whole Humanity. He is a H denier,
as he accepted it, instead of asking for reparation. And he is a
H denier, as he taught us that one innocent killed is the same
as millions. If H means just sacrifice of one unknown miserable
human being, then any wide world Holocaust fades away as
ordinary crimes or accidents. Perhaps Jesus did not even exist
as a real man, as some "scientists" say. But he did the job of
explaining why we should never kill innocent people, any
civilian human being.
As a matter of fact, if
Jesus is but a dream, Judas is absolutely real, and his name in
our times is zionist-neocolonialism : selling human innocent
people just for miserable unworthy us$, killing people just for
oil, diamonds etc . In the XXth century, the Zionists sold
innocent Jewish families to Hitler and the western
“democracies”, as cash for buying Palestine as the owners of
that colony.
3. Blacks show us every
day that resurrection and forgiveness are real : they are the
thinkers and the musicians inside our world that make our world
have some sense, despite of all our absolutely real crimes!
Despite sometimes we just see Blacks as noise makers, disturbing
people, they MAKE SENSE and redeem. We shamireaders prefer music
to oil, and humanity than zion-con plans of domination. In every
country, the best thing is that Blacks and Whites join for good
projects, deeply rooted projects, in every country. But remember
: don’t let the Greek hybris make you blind: we antizionist
whites are not the Best ones, the Light in the dark, etc. THEY,
the most denied ones, are, and THEY, the sacrificed ones, teach
us, and show us the way. We are still their unconscious
translators, as Greeks were.
There is a very simple
cosmic traditional explanation to this ethic rule; north means
rule; east means knowledge; west means action; and south means
heart. Whites always pretend to be the rulers, because they are
action; but they build on sand, as they forget the other poles.