For One Democratic State
in the whole of Palestine (Israel)


FOR One Man, One Vote



After our publication of an essay Was Saddam Hussein really the ruthless tyrant that American moralists claim he was? by Bert Cooper Fairfax, there were many responses (see below), and Bert Cooper Fairfax responded to them as follows:

The greatest danger to all of humanity right now is the onrushing collapse of the Jewish religion.  Those who understand Moses, understand that he was a former slave who became an Astronomer, of the first class, to whom history has given the name of the most important scientific discovery ever!, in the history of Man.  Whereas our Moses was the first one to make this discovery, he could not have read about it somewhere, as in the Book of Genesis or something, which he (or someone else — that's irrelevant) eventually wrote.  This hard scientific discovery, which can be easily replicated by children if they are led through it, is that Man (that is the mind of man — Man as a cognitive force in nature, this is, "of creation") is, like the heavens above, being made in the Image of and Likeness with the Creator.  This discovery, which the nomads of ages past, now called Zionists, hate, begins with noticing the irregular motions of the planets amongst the stars, and  then asking the inevitable question, "What's that?"  Eventually, in order to answer that question, one must discover that God does not count 1 + 1 = 2, as a Zionist count, but God counts by dividing Himself (One) harmonically, as He divided Himself to make the planets, as He divided Himself to make the concomitant mind of Man.  This is a huge topic, but I'll knock it down (this is so unfair!) to this question (which will require a thousand hours of work, really play, on your part, should you decide to follow through), Did you know that the five platonic solids can be constructed entirely from harmonic principles.  Euclid, who counted realty by fantasizing points, lines, etc., was no less a fraud than is the Zionist moneychangers who count 1 + 1 = two for us and none for you.  So, then, if the solids represent efficient creation of space, purely by rotational action and by negentropic modulation thereof, and if the solids are thought of as creating an inner space within its insphere, and an outer space without its outsphere, then would it be significant (and here's the big one) that from Mercury to Neptune (Moses of course could only have measured out to Saturn, but that is irrelevant), the orbits of the planets, which might be thought of as annular discs with inner and outer radii of the respective perihelion to aphelion distances, "fit" the inspheres and outspheres of a nesting of intervening solids, to an average error of less than 2%, and a maximum error of 4% (Mercury, always the flyer).  I defy you or anyone to find any principle of astronomy, which extends from Mercury to Neptune, across eight planets and seven intervening spaces, which fits that well.  Modern astronomic scatter-plots, with bandwidths of errors of 50% are often proclaimed as a near perfect fits — this model for the harmonic quantization of space and time, from Mercury to Neptune, fits observed reality to astoundingly small errors, again and again across 14 interfaces — what is the probability that a 2% error would occur again and again, from Mercury to Neptune, fourteen times in a row?  The celestial system, from Mercury to Neptune (again Moses could only have explained this to his fellow slaves out to Saturn) is organized entirely on principles of harmonics — that creation of space (space between the planets being quantized by the 5 platonic solids), and of time (motion within and between the planets is quantized "musically").  The ratios of the motions planets, again from Mercury to Neptune, can be seen to form a kind of harmonic "scale" of 7 octaves, about which considerably more work needs to be done and about which, sadly, there is no shortage of pre-supposers who will try to force observations into their "correct answer" based on their preconceived notion of reality, as Euclid did.  What I am saying is that Kepler re-discovered, or was forced to think through again, that which Moses has already long ago discovered, and which discovery can be replicated by the human mind of any child, beginning at around age 12 to 15.

In any case, as Moses made this verifiably simple discovery (it takes about ten years to work it through by yourself), and as he began to share his struggles with it, and discuss it with his fellow workers, many of whom were slaves just like him, and he began to see that his fellow slaves also fully grasped the underlying harmonic principles — it thus became inevitable that they all, astronomers, slaves and freemen alike, realized that their minds together were grasping and communicating something new, which was very profound.  This comprehensive understanding, which has as its scientific root the powers of intellect and compassion, was the true source of Moses' leadership.  It was the compassion and intellect of Moses that produced the willingness of his following.  Ask yourself, How did Moses gain so large a following, that he might organize the largest political "breakout" in the history of mankind?  By snapping the whips of scorn, or the humiliation of magic into the faces of his loyal followers?  So, How?  There was no one who could have read the Book of Genesis to him, that he might acquire his anointing, by proclamation.  So, again, How! did he get the courage walk up to old Pharaoh, and announce, "Sorry, big fellah, but we are so outta here," as the kids say now.  "Oh," said old Pharaoh with his usual smirk, "Where ya gunna go to — some promised land?"  "Exactly!" said Moses, thinking quickly on his feet, "That's it … the Promised Land!"  "Oh," said old Pharaoh smirking again, "and, where might I go to conquer this so-called promise of dirt"  To which Moses answered, "It's a place for the pursuit of happiness, founded on principles of intellect and compassion, which I, and my followers, have discovered together, a discovery that we share through the unity of man all of the cosmos, through the provable unity of the mind of man with that of the creator, as verified by the motions of the planets" said Moses, "though we have a long path before us, it is a place with no bounds, which sadly, you, Ol' Pharaoh, preoccupied with indolence and greed as you have become, with the edifices of your fixitude, can no longer see."  Sensing that "something was up," Pharaoh's publicists immediately began to "write down" the Mosaic discovery, that the cornerstones of intellect and compassion might begin to grind themselves back into dust.  They did so by describing "the Promised Land" … as "a patch of dirt" a patch of dirt, easily to be fenced in and bounded.

The Zionist proclaims, So great was God's love, that gift to his "chosen" was a patch of dirt!  A patch of dirt!  From here, to here, and here.  See it?  A patch of dirt!  A god-damned patch of dirt!  The entirety of God's Universe, of which He is a part, stands before us, of which We are a part, and we are to proclaim that, His gift to us, with all the responsibilities of his "chosen" if you like, was an indescribably small patch of dirt, which Ol' Pharaoh might one day build a fence around, as he might fence in a herd of sheep.

How did the Zionists lead us into this "patch of dirt" cul-de-sac?

Israel Shamir is one of very few who are nudging the cusp of history, and making a very important contribution, which goes completely in the right direction (no insult intended).  This is especially the case as regards the one-state solution for Palestine.  I would like to add some quick thoughts if I may, to support and develop that idea.

The necessity of the one-state solution is that the principles of intellect and compassion, which originate in Mosaic Judaism, must be restored, if for no other reason than the fact that these two cornerstones, the intellect and compassion of the Jewish religion, are the cornerstones of all subsequent religions.  Like it or not, the Mosaic-Jewish religion, Moses being the first to discover and verify that Man's mind is made in as an image of and in likeness with, the Creator, based as it is on proven organizational power of sharing of scientific discovery, as proved by the historic political breakout organized by the slave-astronomer named Moses, the Jewish religion is arguably the tap-root of all subsequent religions, certainly of the Christian and Mohammedan ones.  If the two cornerstones of this "tap-root" were to be set against each other, such that intellect grinds its companion, compassion, down to dust, and compassion grinds its companion, intellect, down to dust, the contributions of Moses will be lost to Mankind, the Judaic tap root will fail, and with it all "upper" religions which depend upon it for water will fail too, and the world will really descend into a dark age, ruled by fascist nomads.  This is exactly the plan of the Zionists, who as wandering nomads, as usurpers, thieves and jackals, have somehow stolen the mantles of Abraham and Moses from us while we were sleeping.  (This goes back to the initial design intention of Israel, by the oligarchs, who adopted the appellation Zionist, by proclaiming Zion to be … a Patch of Dirt!  The formation of Israel, as a means of destroying the ongoing Mosaic breakout, begins with the oligarchical reaction against the American Revolution, and the 1802 assassination of Alexander Hamilton, who was the real force of intellect and compassion behind the American Revolution.  With his birth and parentage on an island oddly similar to that of Moses, just prior to his assassination Hamilton was beginning to organize a Christian Constitutionalist Society, but his assassination and the war of 1812 put his plans in suspension.  Then, some students from Williams College in Massachusetts saw the seed of Hamilton's idea and it took hold in them — they organized a similar society (name escapes me for the moment) and they launched  a small group of Hamiltonian missionaries in the 1840's, one of whom went to Hawaii and who later educated Sun Yat Sen, another of whom went to Palestine, and founded the "University" in what later became the American University in Lebanon.  Teaching the economic power of Hamilton's discovery of the role of sovereignty in banking and credit (which I liken to Moses' discovery of the powers of intellect and compassion in political organization of a breakout of the mind of man), and teaching Lincoln's verification of Hamilton's discovery, the American University became immensely successful — its first students became its professors, and their students then began forming nations and banks and machine shops, on principles of sovereignty of the compassionate and intelligent human mind, and starting nation building on "American-Hamiltonian" principles of science.  By 1865, e.g. when Lincoln defeated the British in the American Civil War, the oligarchy had realized that this breakout of Hamiltonian principles of sovereignty, and Lincolnian principles of machine shop productivity, in the "land of the Palaces" was dangerous threat to the nomadicity and darkness of their way of life — darkness being only a momentary usurpation of light.)

A two state solution, will first of all only result in a quick "3-days" war, launched by godless Israel against a helpless Palestinian people.  In a two state solution, Palestine may exist for a few hours, at which time the Mossad will contrive a convenient provocation to victory, whereby Israel will, by extermination of its helpless invader, fulfil the theoretical entirety the Zionist dream, of "owning God's patch of Dirt."  The end result of Jimmy Carter's two-state solution, will immediately be a one state solution, but by the path of violence and waste, and with the intentional absence of reason and compassion, e.g. by the destruction of the two main cornerstones of the Jewish religion.

In reference to the JewTube, I call it the One-eyed Marxist Truth Tube.  This particular manifestation of "truth tube" has an endless array of prettyboy ejaculators and prettygirl ejaculatresses behind it, "that" incessantly spew their Marxist propaganda, spewing, spewing, spewing — spewing up in our living rooms until we are all knee deep in their clueless goo.  After a while, you can't even walk across your own living room without getting the soles of your shoes dirty with it.  In America, when a young mother goes to the grocery store to buy vegetables and meat for dinner say, with her two toddlers on her hips, at the end of her shopping she has to navigate through a gauntlet, ten to twenty feet in length, of display racks, covered in brightly printed but very scientific pornography ("Cosmopolitan" magazine will have some frightened young girl freezing a bikini and leering out a headline, How to have sex in 100 new ways [and therefore please your depraved husband] — "People" magazine will have a headline, Hollywood Celebrities have a Real life, You can have one too! — How to divorce your husband for free, and keep the car and house, etc.)  In America, a mother cannot even buy food for her children, except that she navigate them past a gauntlet of enchanting pornography, during the "checkout" process at the cash register.  We are so stupid, we then wonder why our children grow up believing in video reality.

Peter, I wouldn't worry about Big Truth or Big Lie too much, as though one might be carried in one's left pant's pocket, and the other in the right.  Both are in the process of creation, by human participation with, or against, God, as Moses discovered in the harmonic motions of the planets, and in the concomitant understanding available to every human mind, of how the celestial motions work, and of how Moses and Hamilton and Lincoln gave understanding freely of their minds to their friends, and thus freely organized the required breakout.





From: Peter Budarick


Very good article. I have been saying similar things since 1999. It is so easy to vilify someone one does not know. I always say to people who vilify someone. "Go and meet the man and live and work with him for year, then come back to me and tell me".


Most people live in images and on gossip and love illusions and need Hollywood and the JewTube to feed all them fiction. Fiction is so much nicer than truth which latter is frightfully strange for them! They are incompetent as creatives so they take on board the fictional products of God's Chosen, who having miraculously avoided being gassed or turned into soap, spend their time polluting the minds of the sheeple and rake in the money.


There is a theorem called the Budarick Theorem. It states that in regard to truth which is not verifiable by simple direct observation, the more people believe something the higher the probability what they believe is either the opposite, an exaggeration or a BIG LIE.


When near 100% of people believe something like the "Holocaust" or the "Big Bang Theory" [neither is verifiable by simple direct observation] then you can be near certain it is false and you can find evidence to support what is false and what is truth. In other words in these extreme cases [near the limits of 100% and 0%] evidence always exists to show that what is believed is False AND also evidence always exists to show what the truth actually is or was [of course this evidence is often denied to the researcher which helps to prove that what is  lie].


The Budarick Theorem does not always work. It is only a statistical tool and must be used intelligently together with genuine research. It can however save you a lot of time chasing down dead end paths. Anyone who has lived a long time and done research knows that my Theorem is useful.


I personally do not believe anything unless i have researched it myself, however because my time is limited i use the Budarick Theorem to get at the truth or big lie as quickly as possible. Of course one needs to know how to traverse the emissions of expert groups who will publish only what is acceptable to the group [and thus one needs to know how to find dissident views]. You will encounter this when you research the big lies and many other such wrong beliefs. Here again the Budarick Theorem is useful because it works for expert groups also. When you get 100% belief in something and no dissenting views are allowed by the expert group then you know it is not true. But you may still have to work very hard to find out what actually is or was true.




From Arthur Topham


Dear Bert.

Greetings from your northern neighbour. The above article appeared on a list in the U.K. (<>) which I am on and it hit home like nothing I’ve read in a long, long time. I’m writing merely to say thank your for penning it and expressing some basic ideas that rarely reach the general public.

I have been publishing for a number of years, both hardcopy (The Radical) and online, an alternative news site ( ) and like I said I don’t normally see the ideas that you’ve put forth appearing in most of what we normally accept as “alternative” media. You will find such ideas on my site but then, generally speaking, it is an exception to the rule.

Drawing the comparison between the policies that Saddam introduced into Iraq with those implemented in the US system raised the level of discussion to one that transcends the usual Zionist rhetoric; a level all to familiar to those who have studied the Zionist mindset and their machinations over the past century or so.

Not that it will likely do you any good in the long run when it comes to the typical reaction of the Zionist forces I also appreciated your upfront acknowledgment of your Jewish ancestry. While you will be condemned outright as a “self-hating Jew” for those of us Goyim who are perpetually painted as “anti-Semites” whenever we offer any critiques of political Zionism it’s refreshing that you prefaced your article by putting that card on the table beforehand.

Putting China into its proper context was another point that you brought up which needed, and still needs, much greater emphasizing.

And much more which you delineated with lucidity, poignancy and, in the case of ol’ Osama, great humour! :-)

Hopefully we will see more of your work in the future.

So again, thanks for the analysis and the best in 2007.


Arthur Topham
Radical Press

