For One Democratic State
in the whole of Palestine (Israel)


FOR One Man, One Vote



Justin Raimondo is on a rampage, and when he is this mood, there are no limits to his pecksniffery. In this screed, he manages to smear not only his adversary, in this case the ‘Stalinist’ Aronowitch, but everybody mentioned by the erstwhile ‘Stalinist’ in the same breath as his holiness himself. Nobody, it seems, occupies the lofty perch Raimondo reserves for himself, and his ideological brother, Pat Buchanan.

Here is my essay posted in February 2005, that warned about the tendency of American Libertarians to reject any notion of alternative socio/political systems to their own. If America had a Libertarian regime right now, they would be as expansionist as the current one. If Buchanan were President, and not the current imbecile, America would pursue the exact same strategy as John Kerry. That is what the Market does, it expands. Raimondo is a Market based Libertarian, and for him the Market justifies any outcome that is a process of the market itself. Raimondo’s kowtowing to Zionist discourse ("most Jews were opposed to the war" – who sez?), is merely market promotion of Libertarian doctrines. Smearing people is imitation of Jewish/Zionist discourse, not ‘Stalinist’ as per Raimondo’s mimicry of Trotsky’s maxim. Smearing people as ‘anti-Semites’, is philo-Semitism. (JohD)


War on America, It's 'Freedoms', and It's 'Values'!

By Joh Domingo


The United States is at war, and it is time we recognize that it is at war with us, every single non-American. As much as our American friends would like us to believe that the US administration does nor represent the American population, the truth is that not only does it represent the US population as a whole; it represents the core values of many of its fiercest critics. It represents their values, their sense of superiority about these values, and its feeling that it is universally applicable, valid everywhere, for all time. When Bush speaks of ‘freedom’, he is projecting this feeling of superiority, felt even by his harshest domestic critics. The isolationist tradition of America is long dead, and has been replaced by an inability to recognize any other set of values except their own. The US fully intends to implement these values by force, even if at first it utilizes some other pretext in order to do so. Their President has declared perpetual war, and everyone else wants to pretend that it is not them that are a target.

Consider for a moment these statements, both made by Americans, one by a group of virulent warmongering intellectuals, the other by an equally committed American antiwar Libertarian:

"SO WHO ARE WE? What do we value? For many people, including many Americans and a number of signatories to this letter, some values sometimes seen in America are unattractive and harmful. Consumerism as a way of life. The notion of freedom as no rules……(blah blah blah)…

At the same time, other American values - what we view as our founding ideals, and those that most define our way of life - are quite different from these, and they are much more attractive, not only to Americans, but to people everywhere in the world. Let us briefly mention four of them.

The first is the conviction that all persons possess innate human dignity as a birthright, and that consequently each person must always be treated as an end rather than used as a means. …

Second, and following closely from the first, is the conviction that universal moral truths (what our nation's founders called "laws of Nature and of Nature's God") exist and are accessible to all people.…

The third is the conviction that, because our individual and collective access to truth is imperfect, most disagreements about values call for civility, openness to other views, and reasonable argument in pursuit of truth.…

The fourth is freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. These intrinsically connected freedoms are widely recognized, in our own country and elsewhere, as a reflection of basic human dignity and as a precondition for other individual freedoms.

To us, what is most striking about these values is that they ,b.apply to all persons, without distinction, and cannot be used to exclude anyone from recognition and respect based on the particularities of race, language, memory, or religion. That's why anyone, in principle, can become an American,. And in fact, anyone does.…"

What We're Fighting For: A Letter from America
(c) February 2002, Institute for American Values

"In the name of the Bush Doctrine, which lately proclaims "the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in the world," an Islamic theocracy is being installed in Iraq and built up with U.S. tax dollars. The right of women to own property and enjoy full legal personhood, long recognized in the West – and in Saddam's Iraq – will not exist in "liberated" Iraq. America's daughters are fighting and dying in Iraq so that Iraqi women can be enslaved by a medieval religious and legal dogma that reduces them to subhuman status."

Justin Raimondo

Americans Die For Sharia in Iraq.

Despite their fierce differences over the war, they are in agreement about one thing: American values as a superior value system over anything that existed before, anything existing today, and anything that could possibly come. Both base their assessment on their constitution, about which they have minor differences: whether others should be bombed to foist this superior value system, and whether or not the effort is worth it. They share a belief in the superiority of their constitution, and its values. Not just because they think it works better than anybody else’s, but also in a moral sense.

Most other people have not even read their constitution, and even if they had, would not claim to base their value system on it, nor would they identify their national characteristics based on it. Even Americans, who have never set eyes on their constitution, base their identity on it.

This is important to note, because even though many Americans are fiercely antiwar, this feeling of moral superiority permeates the core of the American psyche. To Raimondo I wrote:

"Let’s face it, your beloved constitution is a failure, your political process a shambles, and your institutions corrupt. How on earth can you deny the implementation of an alternative social and political system?"

To which I did not receive a response; perhaps he is busy. More likely, although he might agree with the latter two observations, he would defend the beloved constitution like a zealot if the attack were to come from an American; there is no profit in engaging a non-believer. Likewise, he would defend their economic system, which Americans imbibe with their mother’s milk.

Few other people incorporate their economic system into their national identity as Americans do. If one were to ask a Frenchman, a proudly nationalistic people, what characteristic were specifically French, few would reply ‘Capitalism’. To Americans, it is an essential part of their culture. With Capitalism comes markets, with markets comes interventionism, with interventionism comes interventionist lobbies. Extremely fervid interventionist lobbies are what characterize the American political system.

There is no similar equivalent anywhere else, even in a translucent State such as Israel. War lobbies in other States are usually limited to border issues, or issues on the borders of related or client States. War lobbies in the US are ready to demand war, against many countries on the slightest pretexts. The range and vehemence of the lobby is phenomenal. At present it is directed at the Islamic religion, Islamic States, and Arabs. In case you are feeling comfortable because you are not Muslim, or are a European, a few years ago it was directed against Serbs, Serbia, and Slobodan Milosevic. Although that is now but a distant memory, America’s war is permanent, only the targets change. It s not inconceivable that a recalcitrant European State would be bombed, if it became necessary.

Despite assurances that the Cold War has ended, America today, considers itself in a Cold War with even its most fawning allies. Recently, Australia was forced to grin and bear it, as America raped its people, undermined it regulatory authorities in social areas like drug administration, and proceeded to dismantle one of the worlds most progressive public health systems by virtue of its Trade Agreement with America. There were few positives in it for Australia, and plenty of objections from parliament, even from the Government benches. In the end America played hardball, and humiliated its staunchest and most obsequious ally. A gloss was put on it, and the fog machine cranked up to full throttle, but nothing would hide the fact that it was a sellout of every social program that characterizes Australian values; which, despite the propaganda, is nothing like American values. A persistent and ongoing trade war between the US and the EU is raging at this very moment.

There is a general reluctance to criticize America in Australia, despite serious misgivings that emanate from the general public about the company John Howard keeps. As a nation, it has long ago succumbed, and surrendered its sovereignty and ethical values to the Yankee colossus. But surrender does not mean inclusion, it just means that your population will be raped slowly, until the rest are done; before they return to finish off the job.

People often refer to the Jewsih neo-con influence in the relationship between the US and Israel. But there is more to it than meets the eye. It is also a symbiotic relationship that revolves around a common policy of expansionism. The US has developed into a crusading nation, and it will continue to promote a world order that it finds minimally acceptable – a world of market-democratic nation States. No other social system will exist on this planet except those that are compatible with liberal market economies. At the current rate, no human being will experience any other way of life within a few generations. Far from generating global prosperity, Market liberalism intensifies inequality and generates millions of unnecessary deaths.

This is the destiny of the US; to become a crusading hegemonic superpower. Its history is one of expansionism, with a long list of conquests. Few of the populations in countries conquered by America have become ‘liberated’. Their relationship with the colonial power is one of subservience, dependence, inequality, and more often than not, poverty. America exports its values, but it does not redistribute its wealth – not even amongst the needy in its own society. Foreign populations are not even a consideration. To Americans they are just a stinking mass, inferior in every way, and particularly in relation to their values.

But resistance is growing, and it is vital that we recognize the problem, and unite against it. The two-pronged Hot War/Cold War American approach is designed to divide and conquer. It does this by emphasizing its values, which is posits is a common Western one. No such thing exists. No two European countries have the same values; each one is distinct. There is no monolithic Islamic ‘values’ , nor Asian ‘values’ either. It is propaganda to lull us into a false sense of security.

When America wants to sideline opposition to its program, its emphasizes common values; which can exist in isolation. Christian Countries can have certain characteristics in common, and Muslim or Buddhists can have elements in common with other similar nations. That does not prevent Christian States warring against each other, nor does it prevent Muslim and Buddhists fighting their co-religionist. So, when America wants to sideline European opposition to its constant wars against others, it emphasizes a common European/Western heritage. If it wants Attack a nation, it does so by emphasizing the ‘otherness’ of the people of that nation, while at the same time proclaiming the universality of its own ‘values’.

But ‘values’ have nothing to do with it; America attacks countries that are incompatible with its Market Liberal policies. It does not attack Pakistan, because Pakistan has consented to be force-fed liberal market economic policies. Nor does it attack Saudi Arabia for it’s different values; control of Saudi Arabia is the hands of people who have consented to the looting of it treasure by market forces. The Taliban were attacked because they were utterly incapable of recognizing the true intent of the forces ranged against them, and were oblivious to the nature of rapacious market liberalism. Zimbabwe’s Mugabe is a target because his pan-Africanism is a hindrance to the implementation of market liberalism in Zimbabwe. South Africa is not attacked, because the ANC has surrendered to Market liberalism completely, and privatized virtually every enterprise that was vigorously and religiously held in public hands during the reign of the Apartheid government.

Because of the growing awareness of the nature of the struggle against global hegemony, more people are communicating with others outside their cultural boundaries. During these discussions, it has become common for people to project the same ‘values’ driven ideology of the forces that we are fighting. People bring their particular ideological and cultural baggage along with them, and the discourse often turns nasty. American dissidents in particular have a tendency to disregard the nature of the people they correspond with, and display a distinct lack of solidarity, amongst themselves, and with others. This is the World Wide Web folks, not America Online. We are not here as your guests. We are here because Global hegemony is a serious threat to people on this planet. Your ‘freedom’, as represented by your ‘values’, is a stinking carcass that has been dragged into our living rooms. It is the problem, not the solution.

If you would stop your chattering for just a second, and cease projecting your ‘values’ onto others, you will realize that alternative information does not have to be a unipolar alternative. A unipolar world is what we are fighting against. We are not fighting a war against misogyny, or against religion; nor are we fighting a war against the poor, downtrodden and helpless – America is. If you have a problem with religion, or are struggling for woman’s liberation, or are fighting to promote democracy; you are an enemy, not a friend. These are American ‘values’, and American values are priori rejected in toto, on principle, and in solidarity with other non-Americans. If you suspect that this is declaration of anti-Americanism - you bet it is.



